hey alex

June 5, 2008 by

take me off your blog as an author please

spring break Time

March 26, 2008 by

Spring break was fun, i flew into Louisana for the first time to visit some relatives.  The trip was really fun and exciting since Ive never been in any other state besides california, I was anxious on how it would be like to live in a other state and be in a different environment on the other side of the country. I came back to california three days later, and spend the last days of spring break working, and going to the beach regulary to surf, and also went through a lot of magnifient experinces.

Response to “In To The Wild” film

March 26, 2008 by

I thought the film was very great, in the begining i didn’t know that it was based on a true story, I got the hint at the end, which made it more sad, knowing the fact that a real person went through this situation.  My opinon on the guy living in the wild and separtating him self from society and living a life style so out of moderen life, to me it seemed the guy was going insane, however in a sense thats what he wanted to experince, being free in the wild not having to deal with problems and things in life.  I think he made this choice out of the feeling of not being completely free in word he was living and felt like he needed a break to geat away from his standard of living and enter a whole different world without the money and materials he had, he begin a differn’t life style which he evenually failed to live due to poor shelter, lack of water, food and other essential things to assist him to get him through life , an example was lack of medical attention when he accidently poisoned him self by consuming a kind of poisonous plant.

It was very sad towards the end of the film, how he realized in order to have happiness you need someone to share it with.  He realized he diden’t have what he expected to recieve from living in the wild which was happiness and tranquility.  He thought as nature very pleasant and which appeared he had a queit intresting fun journey as he traveled through valleys, forests, and in to alaska. 


March 3, 2008 by


                                    English 2 Midterm Prompt


            The name of this article is “ KINDA CUSSIN” by the author Marlon


Manuel. The popular use of borderline expletives has impacted my very own


speech and social setting!! It has had a kind of formation on how my speech


Is used, since you in this position in the environment where you’re exposed to


Things that can be influential from different types of sources as on radio,


Television and just people around you that you communicate with.  This


“kinda cussin” can be picked up really simple, if used in your surroundings


really easy, especially by children since they absorb, any thing as to their


kind of environment there exposed to and most likely in this case they will adapt to these


kind of words, phrases, whatever, in to their speaking and writing ways which, as


“Marlon Manuel” says “brims with borderline expletives words some parents find


Inoffensive and permissible, though others deem crass, rude and unacceptable”, can be


Disrespectful, offensive, inappropriate to whom he interacts with.


            This “borderline expletives” has become a problem to some like myself, and can


Misinterpreted to express in a manner not actually intended.  One experience I have been


through with borderline expletives that got me into trouble is when I misused some words


towards my teacher , and from their I learned not to use those words and phrases that I  was use to using.

English 2 Paper 1 Due 3/5/08

March 3, 2008 by
English 2 Spring 2008
PERSUASIVE WRITINGEssay 1: 3 pages double spaced typed (750-1000 words)
Final Due W March 5—bring drafts & notes!
Down Draft Due W. 2/27, Up Draft Due M. 3/3
Picture the car you hope to own in three years.  Think of that place where you wish you could spend vacation.  What’s the name of that movie you can’t wait to see?  While these choices stem largely from your natural personality and tendencies, it’s a safe bet that some sort of  persuasion and  likely the media has played a role.  Car ads.  Travel brochures.  Movie clips. Recommendations from friends. These powerful forms of persuasion penetrate your mind and your wallet.  But why don’t those Swiffer Wet Jet commercials inspire you to beg your housemates to buy them so you can clean the toilet?  Why aren’t (most of!) your teachers excited to see what’s new at the Skate Shop?

Target audience.  In order to be persuasive, you must gear your argument toward the anticipated audience.  It’s exactly how advertisers rope you in.  Ads that persuade you to purchase products use different language, emphasis and style than those that aim to persuade your grandparents.  The average yearly salary of a market analyst – a person hired by advertising companies to study what sells to certain groups of people – is about $60,000.

To further your awareness of targeting audiences, you (along with your peer group) created an ad campaign for an environmental problem. Your next assignment  asks you to write a 3 page double spaced typed persuasive essay (or other form of persuasive writing) to convince your target argument to do something about a specific environmental problem. I encourage you to write to the audience you know best, but here are some other specific target audiences:
Couch potatoes            Grandparents            Teachers
Business people            Pet owners            Firefighters
Professional Athletes        Musicians            Teenagers
Hospital patients            Artists                Government officials
Mothers to-be            Preschoolers            Professional chefs
College students            Avid readers            Sailors
Health nuts            Bikers                Actors

Your topic can be the same one as for your ad campaign or it can be a different topic, but it must be a specific environmental problem which has come up in class with a specific solution; preferably one or more of the readings will be used, and possibly one of your “posts” will serve as a draft. Persuade your audience by using both personal experience and quotes from class readings or other research. All claims must be supported with evidence. I encourage you to bring a draft to a writing tutor for feedback.

What is your topic or the problem you hope to address?

What do you think will work as a solution?

What personal experiences can you use to develop your essay and support your claims?

Which texts might help you develop your essay and provide evidence for your claims?

Who is your audience? (Who do you want to convince to take what action about which problem?)

describing Gloria Anzalduas writing and conrtrasting similarties

February 25, 2008 by

Gloria anzaldua’s writing to me doesn’t make sense really, this writer throws me off the bat, in terms of understanding her metaphores, similies, overall what she trys to express. The fact that she has a very high vocabulary makes it even more difficult, however, only because hardley understand her writing does’nt mean she not a great poet, in reality she is. She really digs deep to express her innerfeelings with a unique style and form. The usage of metaphores and similies are greatly used within her writing to express in a broad clear way toward readers, which creates this feeling of being in her story’s and , therefore causing them come alive right before your eyes, in a sense. The writing structure greatly impressive and kind of unique.

Similarities between my writing form and Anzaldua’s are; we both tend to use metaphores and similies which is nothing new among writers. Were both excellent at writing. Differences between us are; she comes up with unusaul metalphore, similies , and interpetations that can become a challenge to grasp on, she is also upsess with writing.

Difining the word “border”

February 13, 2008 by

What does border mean to you Alex?  To me it means a boundary which lays out a line either geographically or just in our minds.  Geographically, states, counries, cities and so forth, border isn’t just something we can see physically, its also how we recognize mentally. example ther are borders drawn upon us on the limition of our behavior by the law and if we dont comply there will be consquences. Borders are everywhere around us eihter if you see them or not, for certain reasons.  They keep society more oraganized in certain differen’t ways.  If there were no such thing of borders, people would be doing whatever they wish without anyone regulating them. example no borders within counrties millions of people would enter the united states since its looked upon many people and ,therefore, we would face some severe problems, so thats why this is very important. 

Resolutions or plans for 2008

February 11, 2008 by

1) seek employment so I can move into a apartment

2)eat food thats nutrient and healthy for my body,unlike fast food, which I enjoy but need to cut back on

3)become more respectful towards my parents and also to siblings

4)become more physical fit,meaning excersing at a gym, the one here at the college,which will be convienent

5)feed the hungry, helpless children around the world by contributing my money to provide food for them through an organization

6)watch less television because it  intefers with my homework time

7)purchase a quad, learn how to ride it, so I’ll have more hobbies

8)become a musician,by learning how to play the flute and other instruments

9) take kickboxing classes since I’ve always had intrest in that sport

10)attempt or at least contribute on saving our planet,by cutting down on the usage of gas powered equipment and finding replacements

MLK vocal opinon

February 6, 2008 by

People can influence other people by vocal opinons, for an example martin luther created big time influence to people, which led to justice among the black people across the united states. He was such a great speaker, therefore, led people to follow him and consider him.  Alike Martin, Hilter was also a terrific spaker, which caused people from Germay to follow him, but unlike Martin, Hitler influenced violence, brutality among jews, homosexuals, and others he didn’t approve of.  Martin influenced peace, equalness for everyone as he believed every human being is created equal.

“Environment concerns and solution”

February 4, 2008 by

          There are a variety of factors that have affects on our environment, the natural environment in this case, where people’s actions contribute to bad unfriendly environmental consequences.  One of my concerns is deforestation, which means destruction to the rainforests by wiping out basically the whole rainforest by lumberjacking the trees by human actions.This practice is done to supply lumber, paper products and so forth, things that come from wood.  Lumber had become a much demanded natural resource that society needs, that’s why we this practice on the move.           I think this issue is becoming worst as time progresses since its always occurring.  To this day rainforest take up about thirty percent of the world’s earth, which use to be a higher percentage before?  If this act continues at the rate as right now it’s estimated by experts that nothing can be left of rainforests within about the next century.  Sure were planting new trees to make for the ones destroyed, but unfortunately this cant help with the rate of one being cut down, it’s a very slight contribution.           Deforestation has a bundle of negative affects on our environment.  Habitats of a large biodiversity of species are obviously being destroyed when rainforest areas are wiped out, therefore, resources for them can become scarce and they can die, possibly become extinct.  As in “Jared Diamond environment essay”, the author states “Bringing matters to a head was climate change.  Deforestation certainly had a severe impact on our climate and weather.  Trees play a role on absorbing most or at least some of the greenhouse gases, therefore, by having less trees a larger amount of portion of these gases accumulate in the atmosphere and create more damage to it, increasing global warming.  Rainforests also help perpetrate the water cycle, moister making its way to the atmosphere.           My opinion on fixing this issue if of course the only, to stop, decrease this act.  With human population dramatically increasing, the resource is going to rise in demand even higher then currently in the future. I doubt it, especially if businesses doing this are receiving piles of money from deforestation.